Prof. Stefano Mazzoni, PhD
Mechanical Engineer
'' My passion is exploring alternative energy technologies and modelling feasibility studies for environmentally friendly energy conversion systems''
Energy Conversion Systems
Thermodynamic Cycles
Conventional Power Plants
Renewable Energy Systems
Energy Storage Systems
Smart Multi-Energy Systems
Decarbonization & Carbon Credit
Modelling & Simulation
Machinery and Equipment
Master-Planning, Design & Operations
Unit Commitment & Optimal Dispatch
Asset Management & Condition Monitoring
Predictive Maintenance & Failure Detection
Carbon Tax & Government Policy
Constrained Optimization
Deterministic Solver (QP, MILP)
Heuristic Solver (GA, PSO)
Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
Multi-objective Optmization
Machine Learning & Data Driven

University of Rome Tor Vergata
03/2023 - Today
Research Group of Energy Conversion Systems and Turbomachinery
Optimization of multi-energy system and turbomachinery for clean energy environment with CCS and CCU
Innovative Cogeneration Technologies for concurrent generation of Multiple assets (H2, Water, E-Fuel)
H2 Technologies and LOHC Storage Systems
Energy Community and Incetivation Mechanism
Decarbonisation and Carbon Tax & Credit
Teaching at Master Degree Course:
Methods and Techniques for Advanced Decarbonized Energy Systems (6 CFU)
Teaching at Bachelor Degree Course:
Energy Systems and Renewable Energy Resources (4 CFU)
Geothermal Application (2 CFU)
Energy Systems and Environmental Safety (2 CFU)
Italian Government Presidency
of the Council of Ministers
11/2023 - Today
Recognized as Consulting Expert Member for supporting the Ministerial Commission for the evaluation of environmental and energy security policies, in cooperation with the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security
Energy Smart Solutions
01/2019 - Today
Energy Smart Solutions is a Start-up Spin-Off of Nanyang Technological University Singapore. The company core business is related to the energy optimization for achieving large greenhouse (CO2) and primary energy consumption reduction, and capital and operating costs savings. In the energy sector, consumers are becoming prosumers, and traditional centralized power plants are being replaced more and more by distributed smart multi-energy systems in which electricity, cooling and heating are concurrently demanded and generated. The ©E-OPT software developed under Energy Smart Solutions allows for solving (our poster here).
VISIT US @: www.es-solution.eu
11/2018 - 06/2019

As a recognized and awarded expert in the energy efficiency and optimization sector, I've been hired as a member of a consultant team in order to define a road map for achieving Energy and CO2 Footprint Reduction for Shell Jurong Island Petrochemicals Complex. Through Pinch Point Analysis technique and energy optimization, integration of new technologies and retrofitting the actual plant configuration are being explored. CO2 reduction up to 20% has been obtained, in respect of the actual plant configuration.
Nanyang Technological University
07/2016 - 09/2022

I'm working since July 2016 under the 18M$ Singaporean Found Project Smart Multi Energy System (SMES) on the Work Package on the Poolygeneration systems. During the last three years, together with our team and with the supervision of Prof. Alessandro Romagnoli, I've been carrying out research activities in Energy Conversion Systems realities, looking at multi energy systems polygeneration plant layout (i.e. Industrial Estates, Buildings and Smart-Cities, District Cooling and Heating and CHP power plants). The key challenges and activities I've dealt with have been: ​
Support the leading of the Work Package:
Coordination of the team: Research Associates, PhD Candidates and MD students
Actively involved in the Steering Committee of the whole SMES project
Meeting and discussion with national agency (i.e. NEA, EMA) and partner companies (i.e. Shell, JTC)
Consultant for Jurong Port (JTC):
design and operation of a district cooling system based on CHP power plant in Jurong Port.
Feasibility Study, Cost Benefit Analysis, NPV and ROI evaluations
Optimized Layout has led to achieve 1.2M$ Savings in 10 years, 4.5 years of ROI, 15% in Primary Energy Savings and 18% CO2 reduction.
Development of an Optimal Planning Tool Software:​
Modelling of SMES components (Engines, Chillers, Heat Exchangers, Building, Grid, Storage, others)
Multi-Objective function approach for accounting techno-economic optimization
Advanced mathematics: Hybrid Evolutionary and Simultaneous Algorithms coupled with Artificial Intelligence
Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
08/2018 - Today

Recognized as an expert in the development of Sustainable Energy Systems and having attended many SDEWES international conferences as Speaker, Presenter and Chairman in various sessions, I've been selected and invited to be a member of the Scientific Advisory Board.
Organization of Conference and Sessions
Write-up of paper
Review of Papers
Presentation and Public Speach
Elsevier, ASME
01/2015 - Today

Reviewer of some of the highest Impact Factor Elsevier Journal in the Energy Conversion Systems and Applied Energy, I've been also awarded as 'Outstanding Reviewer for Applied Energy'. The list of the journal is stated below:
Applied Energy
Energy Conversion and Management
Journal of Environmental Management
Renewable Energy
Applied Thermal Engineering
Roma Tre University
06/2014 - 06/2016
Rome, Italy
After having defended the PhD, I've got to contract professorship for teaching at the Bachelor and Master Degree classes.The two courses are:
Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics Applied on Machines (180 students, 50 hrs, BD)
Machines and Energy Conversion Systems (60 students, 80 hrs, MD)
The activities related to the professorship have been:
Steering PhD candidates and MD students
Member of the Examination board for the courses (1) and (2) and for Turbomachinery

Roma Tre University
06/2014 - 06/2016
Rome, Italy
Under the European Project OMSoP, I have carried out my research activity in the field of the Concentrated Solar Power, working under the supervision of Prof. Giovanni Cerri, in the Energy Conversion System group. The following topics have been addressed during the research fellowship period:
Development of component models for CSP power plants (i.e. Micro Gas Turbine, Heat Transfer Device, Solar Dish).
CSP plant simulator has been realized and it has been validated through the data available on ENEA site, in Casaccia (Rome, ITALY).
Technical / economic analysis and optimization for CSP power plants
Leading the laboratories for Solar Receivers and Turbomachinery Test & Characterization
Leading Technicians, Direct Contact with Vendors, Tender and Procurement

MIUR - Italian Ministry for University & Research
March 2016
Rome, Italy
As a recognized expert, I have provided the support to the Italian Ministry for University and Research (MIUR) for evaluating international project in the context of the cultural exchange between Italy and Germany.
Evaluation of three projects for the MIUR-DAAD Joint Mobility Program

11/2014 - 02/2016
Bologna, Italy
Co.Se.A is a public utility company working in the optimal management of the waste disposal site. The company is recovering the Bio-Gas coming from the waste dump for running a cogeneration unit for the generation of electricity. The consultant activity has been oriented to two areas:
Internal Combustion Engine Failure Analysis
Litigation on the Green Certificate for Power Generation

Roma Tre University
09/2010 - 06/2016
Rome, Italy

After having graduated and during the PhD period, I've been working under the European Founder Project H2-IGCC with a cooperation contract. Aim of the project was to demonstrate the feasibility of Carbon Capture & Storage in IGCC power plants, by running the Gas Turbine with a Hydrogen Rich Fuel, cleaned from the Greenhouse pollutants, in order to achieve a clean combustion process with a reduction in CO2 of 95-98%.
The activities carried out have been the following:
Development of component models for Gas Turbine Combined Cycles power plants (i.e. Compressor, Expander, Combustion Chamber, Heat Transfer Devices, Steam Turbine and other rotary machines).
Development of lumped models for Gasification island of the power plant (i.e. Shift Reactor, Gasifier, ASU).
IGCC plant simulator has been realized and it has been validated through the data available by the manufacturers, being partner of the project.
Roma Tre University
01/2011 - 06/2014
Rome, Italy
Under the H2-IGCC EU project, I’ve been involved in the development of component models for IGCC with Carbon Capture and Storage Power Plants to build up the H2-IGCC power plant simulator. During the three years of the doctoral school, I’ve focused the research activity on energy conversion systems, turbomachinery and optimization techniques, together with a deep analysis of quasi-Newton and Genetic Algorithms solution methods. After a preliminary cycle calculation, design (sizing) of machines (compressor, expander, steam turbine, etc.) and apparatuses (heat transfer devices super-heater, boiler, economizer) has led to develop models for establishing components off-design maps (gas turbine, steam turbine, condenser, pump, combustion chamber, etc.). Such maps once matched together have allowed to define the whole H2-IGCC plant simulator. Accordingly, such a simulation tool has been adopted to perform part load analysis that brings to establish the best plant control policies in terms of objective function (i.e. costs or earnings) minimization or maximization. To reduce the CPU occupancy and to short the calculation time, properly Neural Network component models have been built up
Thesis Title: IGCC Power Plant Simulator: Gas Turbine and Steam Cycle

110/110 cum Laude
Roma Tre University
10/2007 - 05/2010
Rome, Italy

Master Degree Thesis has been addressed to solve an existing engineering problem, concerning a CHP plant. It was a team work together with two other students (friends). I’ve dealt with Heat Recovery Steam Generation and steam turbine sizing and off-design maps establishing. I’ve learned Fortran 77 programming language and quasi-Newton solution techniques. Moreover, I’ve realized a neuralized (NN Techinque) model for the whole CHP steam island.
Thesis Title: Steam Cycle Simulator for Combined Power Plants
Roma Tre University
10/2007 - 05/2010
Rome, Italy
Bachelor Degree Thesis has been oriented to determine the flow function coefficients of a properly designed device to realize mechanically, by mean of shock waves, emulsified fuel to be used both in the reciprocating engines and in gas turbine burners. I’ve learned how to build up a test bench and how to plan the experimental tests. Such lab tests have allowed to validate forecasted data obtained by a simulation code.
Thesis Title: Emulsions in reciprocating engines


Energy Conversion Systems
Modelling of power plant component models
Fluid Machines and Turbomachinery
Internal Combustion Engine
Steam Cycles, Solar Power Plants
Heat Transfer Devices
Gas Turbine Cooling
Optimization Techniques, Neural Network
Unit Commitment & Master-planning
Carbon Credit & Blockchain
Programming in Fortran 77
Programming in Matlab
Programming in Python
Neuro Dimension
Aspen Suite
Photoshop Suite
Windows and Mac OS
Microsoft Office Suite
Team Work, Leading PhD candidates, Master Degree students and technicians, Speaking at conferences
Awarded as Outstanding Reviewer for Applied Energy International Journal, ELSEVIER.
Awarded as Distinguished Scientist by Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
English: Professional
Italian: Native Speaker
German: Beginner (School Level)
Photography (Professional Level)
Chess Playing (semi-Pro Level)
Sport (Cycling, Soccer, Horse Riding, Swimming, Diving)
Cinema, Music and Art